Butt Lift Surgery

Are you looking to enhance your buttocks and achieve a lifted, more sculpted appearance? A traditional butt lift is one of the butt, or gluteal, enhancement procedures Dr. Hamid Massiha performs to improve shape and tone of the buttock area. As a leading plastic surgeon in the Greater New Orleans Area, Dr. Massiha can help you achieve the look and confidence you want and deserve. With his exceptional expertise and artistic approach, Dr. Massiha delivers outstanding results that are tailored specifically to your individual goals.

What Does a Butt Lift Improve?

A butt lift, or gluteal lift, is specifically designed to address and improve the shape and tone of the tissues that support skin and fat around the buttocks. This procedure targets sagging or wrinkled skin. A butt lift aims to create a smoother, more toned, and less dimpled look by lifting and tightening the skin and significantly improving the overall silhouette and surface of your buttocks.

Butt lifts alone are not intended to remove extra fat or to add volume to the butt. Butt lifts with augmentation procedures using implants or fat injections are suggested if you need to add volume. Traditional butt lift procedures are also sometimes combined with contour techniques or procedures in other parts of the body to achieve the look you want.

Is a Butt Lift Right for Me?

If you have sagging or dimpled skin in the buttock area that you want to smooth and tighten up, a traditional butt lift may be what you are looking for. Deciding to undergo butt lift surgery is a personal choice. It’s important to have realistic expectations and understand exactly what the surgery can and cannot do. People wanting a butt lift should have significant loose tissue in the buttock area, especially if augmentation will be included.

For best results, people considering butt lift, or any plastic surgery, should be non-smokers in generally good health. Additionally, your surgeon will talk to you about discontinuing certain medications, such as aspirin and plant-based supplements, that increase the risk of excessive bleeding. Risk and benefit are different for every patient. Your cosmetic surgeon will talk to you about whether butt lift surgery is appropriate for your specific case.

Complimentary Consultation

To learn whether a butt lift can help you, the first step is to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Massiha. At the consult, Dr. Massiha will talk about the procedure, your goals, other options, and the potential risks. Be prepared to discuss your medical history and expectations for the surgery, and to ask questions. This is the time to get your questions answered. Your surgeon can also show you butt lift before and after pictures.

Comprehensive Treatment Plan

After consultation, your team of healthcare professionals will begin to tailor a unique treatment plan. During the evaluation period, you will continue talking with your surgeon and undergo physical exams. Tests, images, and x-rays may be ordered depending on your age, health, and other individual needs.

Once the evaluation is complete, your surgeon will recommend a personalized plan that revolves around your goals and limits for your treatment and recovery periods. Dr. Massiha may perform butt lift surgery alone or in combination with a wide range of comprehensive cosmetic and body contour services

Ask Questions

Make sure to ask any questions you have. Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts with your surgeon and healthcare team. If you do not understand something, tell your healthcare team, so they can find another way to explain it. If you are unsure of what questions to ask, see this checklist recommended by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. It can help guide you during conversations with your surgeon.

Tell Me More About the Butt Lift Procedure

The exact details of the butt surgery procedure may vary depending on individual factors and desired outcomes.

There are different types of butt lift procedures. There are advantages and disadvantages to the techniques available. Depending on the amount and location of excess skin to be removed and your expectations, your surgeon will decide on the best technique to use for you.

  • Direct Butt Lift: This procedure removes excess skin and lifts the buttocks through the incision above the crease, resulting in a firmer appearance. This procedure does not add volume.
  • Butt Lift With Implants: This procedure combines butt lift with butt augmentation using silicone implants for increased volume and enhanced shape. This procedure is usually better for smaller people who do not have extra fat. Implants are temporary and need to be replaced after 10 years.  They have been known to move or slip out of place and are sometimes associated with uncomfortable side effects.
  • Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL): This is also called augmentation with fat grafting or fat transfer. A BBL employs butt augmentation procedures use fat from other parts of the body to enhance your buttocks’ shape and volume through strategic butt fat injections. Read more here

What Results Can I Expect from Butt Lift Surgery?

Although it takes between three and six months for tissues to settle, the results of a butt lift are usually noticeable almost immediately. The incision scarring can continue fading for up to two years, but it will always be slightly visible. Diligently follow post-surgery instructions that Dr. Massiha and his team provide and you can expect to see enduring results that have a lasting impact on the appearance of your buttocks.

Cost of Butt Lift Surgery

If you are searching for butt lift cost and fat injection cost in search engines, you’ve noticed a wide range of prices. It varies depending on factors such as the surgeon’s experience, the type of procedure you choose, or what fees are required like for anesthesia or facilities. Many of these choices are made according to your medical history and your expectations. You and your surgeon will talk about these decisions during your consultation and discussions before surgery. Dr. Massiha will be able to provide a price quote with your treatment plan so you can budget the cost of your procedure.

Dr. Hamid Massiha – Experience and Expertise

Dr. Massiha’s extensive experience and expertise in plastic surgery set him apart. He is not only a leading plastic and cosmetic surgeon in the Metairie and New Orleans area, Dr. Massiha also enjoys national and international reputations for innovation and excellence. He has performed thousands of body contour procedures and taught his techniques to myriad plastic surgeons in the region as well as other states and countries.

Committed to using the latest techniques and innovations in plastic surgery to ensure the highest level of safety and efficacy, Dr. Massiha regularly attends and participates in the industry’s top professional meetings. His essence as an artist and sculptor pervades his unique attention to detail and meticulous approach to each patient’s features. He will take the time to explain your procedure, discuss your expectations, and provide personalized recommendations based on your unique anatomy and desired outcome.

Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation Today

See why patients in Metairie and New Orleans who want ‘butt lift near me’ have chosen Dr. Massiha. Dr. Hamid Massiha offers a wide range of comprehensive cosmetic and body contour services to achieve your aesthetic goals. A board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Massiha has helped countless patients achieve their aesthetic goals through his personalized approach to care. His natural results will enhance your beauty and leave you feeling confident and happy.

Let Dr. Massiha’s expertise, artistry, and patient-centric approach help you achieve the natural, refreshed appearance you desire. Book an appointment today and discover how Dr. Massiha can transform your look and boost your confidence.