Eye Lid Surgery

An eye lid surgery performed by Dr. Hamid Massiha Plastic Surgery can be one of the most natural, subtle ways to achieve a fresh, rejuvenated look. Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is one of the most common facial rejuvenation procedures performed. The procedure can be performed on upper lids, lower lids, or both. Depending on what blepharoplasty procedure you have, the surgeon removes excess fat, skin, or muscles from around the eyes to achieve a more youthful look.

What Does Eyelid Surgery Improve?

As we age, a protein that connects tissues in our body, called collagen, starts to break down. As the skin thins, we see more sagging, bags and wrinkles, and fat deposits caused by this process. When this occurs around the eyes, we often get a more ‘tired’ look and it can also interfere with vision. 

Dr. Hamid Massiha performs eye lid lift procedures that can improve: 

  • Sagging or loose skin around the eyes
  • Puffiness under the lids
  • Bags under the eyes
  • Droopy eyelids, often called ‘hooded’ eyes
  • Excess skin and wrinkles on the lower eyelids

Monolids, or “single eyelids” (a skin fold that makes it look like upper eyelid crease below the eyebrow is missing) 

Is Eyelid Surgery Right for Me?

Are you troubled by saggy skin, puffiness or bags around your eyes, or excess skin and wrinkles on your lower eyelids? An eyelid lift could be the perfect way to feel and look younger. Having an eyelid lift is a highly individualized decision. Your surgeon will discuss your medical history and expectations at an initial complimentary consultation. 

Eyelid surgery is most successful in non-smokers who do not have serious eye conditions or conditions that make healing more difficult. Finding out more about how suitable you are for eyelid surgery will depend on information specific to you.

Complimentary Consultation

To learn whether eyelid surgery can help you, the first step is to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Massiha. At the consult, the surgeon will talk about the procedure, your goals, other options, and the potential risks. Be prepared to discuss your medical history and expectations for the surgery. This is the time to get your questions answered. Your surgeon can also show you eyelid lift, before and after pictures.

Comprehensive Treatment Plan

If you decide to continue care after the consultation, Dr. Massiha and your healthcare team will start developing your unique treatment plan. They need to get the best picture of your health to ensure your safety for the procedure. During this evaluation period, you will continue talking with your surgeon and undergo physical exams. Tests, images, and x-rays may be ordered according to your age, health, and other individual needs.

Once the evaluation is complete, your surgeon will recommend a unique comprehensive surgical treatment plan tailored to achieve your goals. Dr. Massiha may perform eyelid surgery alone or in combination with a wide range of comprehensive cosmetic and rejuvenation services

Ask Questions

Make sure to ask any questions you have. Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts with your surgeon and healthcare team. If you do not understand something, tell your healthcare team, so they can find another way to explain it. If you are unsure of what questions to ask, see this checklist recommended by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. It can help guide you during conversations with your surgeon.

Tell Me More About the Eyelid Lift Procedure

A typical eyelid surgery begins with giving you medicine that will help you stay comfortable during the procedure. This can be general anesthesia or intravenous medicine, depending on what your surgeon decides is best. 

An incision is made in the natural fold of the eye lid or the lash line. Excess fat, skin, or muscles are removed from around the eyes through the incision. Sometimes, injectibles are used to fill empty areas. Either stitches, absorbable sutures, or Steri-Strips may be used for incision closure. 

There are three blepharoplasty techniques: upper, lower, or double eyelid surgery: 

  • Upper blepharoplasty (upper eyelid surgery) addresses sagging skin, puffiness, or excess skin on the upper lid of your eye. This procedure helps improve droopy or ‘hooded’ eyelids that are often the cause of blocked peripheral vision.
  • Lower blepharoplasty (lower eyelid surgery) addresses the bags and excess skin under your eyes.
  • Double blepharoplasty (double eyelid surgery or Asian blepharoplasty) addresses monolids. Both the upper and lower eyelid techniques are performed at the same time. The surgeon creates an eyelid fold or crease in the upper lid to increase space between the upper and lower lids. This results in larger appearing eyes. 

For a few days after surgery, patients will apply ice packs and medicated ointment on the incision site. They also should keep their heads elevated, even when they sleep, and will have additional instructions about medication, follow-up care, and appointments. 

There is usually some swelling and bruising around the eyes. Some patients experience dryness and irritation after surgery.  Most people feel comfortable returning to public activity 10 to 14 days after surgery. It may take a few months before healing is fully completed. Generally, there is no visible or obvious scarring. 

Dr. Massiha’s dedication to patient care doesn’t end with the surgery. He and his team provide comprehensive care after surgery and follow-up visits to ensure a comfortable recovery and optimal results. 

What Results Can I Expect from Eyelid Surgery

As you continue to heal, you will begin to see the beautiful results of your eyelid lift. Dr. Massiha’s techniques reveal a dramatic, yet subtle natural revitalization. Even better, you will turn the heads of friends and family who ‘can’t quite pinpoint what is different about you.’ 

Eyelid Surgery Cost

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, cost will depend on your surgeon’s experience and reputation. This cost is also influenced by how complex the procedure is and what other fees are required, like anesthesia, operating room, and facility fees. Many of these choices are made according to your medical history and your expectations. You and your surgeon will talk about these decisions during your consultation and discussions before surgery. Dr. Massiha will be able to provide a price quote with your treatment plan so you can budget the cost of your procedure.

Dr. Hamid Massiha – Experience and Expertise

Dr. Massiha’s extensive experience and expertise in plastic surgery set him apart. He is not only a leading plastic and cosmetic surgeon in the Metairie and New Orleans area, Dr. Massiha also enjoys national and international reputations for innovation and excellence. He has performed thousands of facial surgeries and taught his techniques to plastic surgeons in the region as well as other states and countries.

Committed to using the latest techniques and innovations in plastic surgery to ensure the highest level of safety and efficacy, Dr. Massiha regularly attends and participates in the industry’s top professional meetings. His essence as an artist and sculptor pervades his unique attention to detail and meticulous approach to each patient’s features. He will take the time to explain your procedure, discuss your expectations, and provide personalized recommendations based on your unique anatomy and desired outcome.

Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation Today

If you’re looking for an eyelid lift near me or a New Orleans plastic surgeon, schedule your consultation with Dr. Hamid Massiha. Dr. Massiha offers a wide range of comprehensive cosmetic and facial rejuvenation services to achieve your aesthetic goals. Take the first step toward achieving your aesthetic goals and contact our Metairie, LA practice today.

Let Dr. Massiha’s expertise, artistry, and patient-centric approach help you achieve the natural, refreshed appearance you desire. Book an appointment today and discover how Dr. Massiha can transform your look and boost your confidence.