Face Lift (Rhytidectomy)

Ever see yourself in the mirror and think “That isn’t the person I feel like inside”? A slight wrinkle or sag, here or there. Subtle smile lines or folds. Then, extra skin or jowls show up. Twenty years later, you no longer recognize the person staring back at you.

Our faces unfortunately bear the brunt of years of exposure to stress, the sun, and pollution. A face lift, or rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgery that improves signs of aging seen in the face. Let us help you turn back the clock. A facelift by Dr. Hamid Massiha can reveal the person you know is still inside to the rest of the world.

What Does a Face Lift Improve?

The effects of gravity, sun exposure, and everyday stress take a toll on our faces. Skin gets thinner and loses its elasticity, or its ability to snap back, as we get older. Also, fat deposits in the face decrease, increase, and move around. That’s why changes to the look and shape of the face are much more drastic in our later years.

A face lift can address the following changes to help you achieve a more youthful, refreshed appearance:

  • Relaxed skin on the face that causes sagging
  • Excess skin or sagging in the cheeks or lower jawline, called ‘jowls’
  • Sagging skin and excess skin in the neck, often called a double chin or ‘turkey neck’
  • Deep skin folds framing the sides of the nose to the corner of the mouth
  • Fat deposits in the face that have fallen or disappeared

A face lift won’t correct the qualities of the skin. Other cosmetic procedures can be suggested for wrinkles, fine lines, creases around the nose and upper lip, or uneven skin color. The facelift is often combined with other facial cosmetic procedures to help achieve your desired results.

Is a Face Lift Right for Me?

Is extra, sagging skin and deep skin folds adding unwanted years to your look? A face lift may give you the refreshed appearance you need and reveal your youthful identity to the world. Having a face lift is a highly individualized decision. Your surgeon will discuss your medical history and expectations for a face lift at your initial complimentary consultation. Your goal for surgery should be to satisfy your desires, and not for any other person’s requests or perceived wishes.

The best candidates for a face lift are non-smokers who do not have any conditions that make healing more difficult. Finding out more about how suitable you are for facelift surgery will depend on information specific to you.

Complimentary Consultation

To learn whether a face lift can help you, your first step is to schedule your initial complimentary consultation with Dr. Massiha. At the consultation, the surgeon will talk about the procedure, your goals, other options, and the potential risks. Be prepared to discuss your medical history and expectations for the surgery. This is the time to get your questions answered. Your surgeon can also show you face lift before and after pictures.

Comprehensive Treatment Plan

If you decide to continue care after the consultation, Dr. Massiha and your healthcare team will start developing your unique treatment plan. They need to get the best picture of your health to ensure your safety for the procedure. During this evaluation period, you will continue talking with your surgeon and undergo physical exams. Tests, images, and x-rays may be ordered according to your age, health, and other individual needs. Once the evaluation is complete, your surgeon will recommend a unique comprehensive surgical treatment plan tailored to achieve your goals.

Each surgery will be highly personalized and unique according to your medical needs and aesthetic desires. Dr. Massiha performs face lifts alone or in combination with a wide range of comprehensive cosmetic and rejuvenation services.

Ask Questions

Make sure to ask any questions you have. Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts with your surgeon and healthcare team. If you do not understand something, tell your healthcare team, so they can find another way to explain it. If you are unsure of what questions to ask, see this checklist recommended by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. It can help guide you during conversations with your surgeon.

Tell Me More About the Face Lift Procedure

During the face lift, your surgeon will carefully lift and move the facial tissues, tighten the muscles, and remove excess skin. Dr. Massiha pays close attention to preserving your natural facial contours and avoiding a “pulled” or overly tight look. He employs his own short scar technique to face lift procedures, which allows him to make minimal incisions and offers minimal scarring. The result is a refreshed, revitalized appearance that enhances your natural beauty.

A facelift is a rejuvenation procedure that includes lifting all areas of the face, including the brow, cheek, midface, jowl, and neck. The facelift is performed alone, in combination or partially to achieve the look you want. You may have heard the term ‘mini-facelift.’ Don’t be fooled. A mini-facelift is still surgery. It does, however, focus on only one or two facelift components, typically the lower third of the face, the neck, and jowls, rather than the entire face.

Recovery time varies by individual. After surgery, bruising and swelling generally last for about two to three weeks. You should begin to feel fine in the first several days after surgery. Depending on the extent of surgery, people can usually return to work in two to three weeks. In most cases, your surgeon will remove your bandages a few days after the face lift. Separate visits will be scheduled to remove your stitches and assess your bruising and swelling.

Dr. Massiha’s dedication to patient care doesn’t end with the surgery. He and his team provide comprehensive post-operative care and follow-up visits to ensure your smooth recovery and optimal results.

What Results Can I Expect from a Face Lift?

As your face continues to heal, you will begin to see the beautiful results of your face lift surgery. Dr. Massiha’s techniques will reveal a more youthful, refreshed appearance that enhances your natural features. The results of face lifting can be long-lasting, helping you enjoy a more youthful appearance for years to come.

Face Lift Cost

You may be wondering ‘how much does a face lift cost?’ The cost of a face lift depends on your surgeon’s experience and reputation. The face lift cost is also influenced by other specifics including the procedure being used and required fees like anesthesia and facility fees. Many of these choices are made according to your medical history and your expectations. You and your surgeon will talk about these choices during your consultation and discussions before surgery. Dr. Massiha will be able to provide a price quote with your treatment plan so you can budget the cost of your procedure.

Dr. Hamid Massiha – Experience and Expertise

Dr. Massiha’s extensive experience and expertise in plastic surgery set him apart. He is not only a leading plastic and cosmetic surgeon in the Metairie and New Orleans area, Dr. Massiha also enjoys national and international reputations for innovation and excellence. He has performed thousands of facial procedures and taught his procedures to plastic surgeons in the region as well as other states and countries.

Committed to using the latest techniques and innovations in plastic surgery to ensure the highest level of safety and efficacy, Dr. Massiha regularly attends and participates in the industry’s top professional meetings. His essence as an artist and sculptor pervades his unique attention to detail and meticulous approach to each patient’s features. He will take the time to explain your procedure, discuss your expectations, and provide personalized recommendations based on your unique anatomy and desired outcome.

Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation Today

Dr. Hamid Massiha offers a wide range of comprehensive cosmetic and facial rejuvenation services to achieve your aesthetic goals. If you’re looking for a face lift near me or a New Orleans plastic surgeon, don’t wait to schedule your consultation today. Take the first step to a new you and contact our Metairie, LA practice today.

Let Dr. Massiha’s expertise, artistry, and patient-centric approach help you achieve the natural, refreshed appearance you desire. Book an appointment today and discover how Dr. Massiha can transform your look and boost your confidence.